Needs and Projects that are Outside of Budget
Before the beginning of each year our African partners work diligently on their annual budgets and submit them to us for review. Like any organizational budget they contain all of the expected income from grants, gifts, and income from operations (partial tuitions, agricultural sales, patient receipts, etc.) Annual expenses are also outlined such as salaries, operating expenses and depreciation of assets. They also price out larger capital projects and prioritize those projects in order of importance.
Because of the nature of what they do unexpected emergencies
always arise and large projects get delayed.
Whether it be a fire, lightening strike or a student's family unable to pay the basic tuition, these needs are pressing.
Here, you'll discover an opportunity to partner with us to address eight specific needs, along with one major undertaking: the reconstruction of the boys' orphanage dormitory that was destroyed in a fire in 2022.

Unexpected tragedy...
It was early Wednesday morning, on February 16, 2022, when a devastating fire destroyed the dormitory of 50 children and teenager boys under the care of our partners, Bringing Hope to the Family.
Miraculously, all the precious students were saved, but they lost everything they had. Everything: Their beds and their mattresses. Their clothing and their toys. Their school supplies and their bibles. It is also so sad that some of them even lost the only pictures they had of their deceased parents. They will never be able to see their faces again.
Since then, they have been sleeping in a cramped storage room, and the group has grown to over 80 kids as Bringing Hope refuses to leave any vulnerable child behind without care. Now, we have a chance to make a difference.
You Can Make A Difference
A new building that will house 100 kids is underway, but we need your help. The cost is high - about $100,000. Generous donors have already pledged about $10,000, but we need more. Join us in creating a home for these kids who have faced extreme poverty and lost their home.
Be a part of ThinSpace's mission and help build a new home for these children. Every dollar counts and will not only help construct a physical home but also rebuild the lives of 100 boys, giving them hope for a brighter future.