Partnering with African Leaders
One life,
one family,
one village at a time.

Who We Are
ThinSpace Africa is faith-based charity made up of about a dozen people from Southern California who support, and partner with three African community development organizations. On TSA’s Board is a doctor, M&F therapist, dentist-turned-pastor, tech-business owner, graphic designer, executive coach…We are all moms and dads.
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So, what exactly does “ThinSpace” mean?
“Thin Space” is a term that comes from early Celtic Christianity that refers to places on the earth where the space between heaven and earth is very thin.
In these places people easily become aware of the spiritual side of themselves.
TSA helps people get the things that all of us want...

Everyone has enough to eat
It is no mystery that much of the world lacks “food security” and that many families struggle to meet their daily nutrition requirements. Yes, we do dispense food relief in emergencies but more importantly we provide tools, training, microloans, and land access whereby families can provide for themselves on into the future.

Kids go to school
A good education can change a family in one generation. All three of the organizations we work with provide schooling for children AND adults that need to learn trades.
We have so many stories of children brought to us that were working subsistence farming with little hope of escaping poverty. They were able to complete grade school, secondary school and many have gone on to a trade school or university. What does this dramatic change cost? We budget $450 - $650 per year per student

The sick can see a doctor
Few rural Africans have regular access to medical care. Hope Again Medical Clinic was first opened in 2007 to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the Kyenjojo district of Uganda.
Today they have newly remodeled 3000 ft clinic that is open 24 hours to treat trauma, skin diseases, ulcers, GI disorders, malaria, pneumonia, UTIs, typhoid AND to deliver babies. They provide general lab services and medication distribution. They are registered and licensed by the Uganda Ministry of Health.

A Life with Meaning
We all want to live significant lives but its hard to find a place to leave a lasting mark. Before first visiting Africa many people think that working on missions or community development is an "all give, no get" endeavor. Ugh. But many find that working alongside the people in Africa leave them with a renewed sense of purpose and who they are in the world. Your cup gets filled up!

Plentiful, clean drinking water
Everyone knows that water-born parasites and disease come from impure drinking water. In many smaller African villages people (usually women and children) walk many kilometers each day to access river water that they carry home in jerry cans. To address this need TSA donors over the years have “sponsored a well” and the hand pumps attached to them. Such a simple change can revitalize a village.

Job training
Unemployment is very high in many African countries and subsistence farming is the staple for rural communities. We have found over the years that learning some basic skills of trade can transform a family. As such, TSA’s partners provide formal trade courses that are taught by local experts. They offer courses in agriculture, tailoring, driving, food preparation/catering, livestock care, hair/beauty services and computer skills.

Peaceful Communities
Many in rural Africa live under the threat of tribal and political violence. Sadly it is usually the poor that take the brunt of national political opposition, and families that live in smaller towns and villages can be vulnerable to very sudden and violent attacks. TSA works with national/community leadership and clergy in sponsoring Peace and Reconciliation Conferences and mediation meetings between opposition parties to prevent these violent outbreaks.

Get involved with ThinSpace Africa
Join us at ThinSpace Africa and become a part of our team by supporting the work financially or serving as a volunteer. Together, we can create change and transform lives.
From traveling to Africa with us, hosting a fundraising event, or making a donation to help change lives, we offer many ways to get involved and make a difference.