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ThinSpace Africa
50 Buckskin Road
Bell Canyon, CA 91307
Bringing Hope to the Family (BHTF) was established in 2000 and as a nonprofit organization has provided shelter, home, education, health care and clean water to orphans and families in vulnerable situations in the Kaihura Village of Kyenjojo District, Uganda.
Bringing Hope to the Family (BHTF) was established in 2000 and as a nonprofit organization has provided shelter, home, education, health care and clean water to orphans and families in vulnerable situations in the Kaihura Village of Kyenjojo District, Uganda.
ThinSpace Africa is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) that partners with Bringing Hope to the Family. All contributions are tax deductible
ThinSpace Africa is an IRS registered 501(c)(3) that partners with Bringing Hope to the Family. All contributions are tax deductible.